Well, this is the last full day in Ireland. It has truly been an adventure, and this is a beautiful country. I am proud that my Great Grandmother on my dad's side, Catherine Ann Brophy, and probably my Great Grandfather's family, back a few "greats," came from Ireland. God has allowed this trip, and it seems life has circled back around to bring me here.
Today, we tried the DART-Dublin Area Rapid Transit. It was a pretty cool train, and wasn't very costly either. We rode it south to a seaside town called Bray. This village looked exactly like where the Irish go for their holidays. It was beautiful, cold, windy--but absolutely a place I would want to return to and stay in.
Here is the ocean from the DART.
Olivia and Erica on the train.
Here I am with the Irish Sea as a backdrop.
The Irish Sea and me......it was cold, but beautiful! I love the seaside.
The restaurant we had lunch in at Bray.
Some of the beautiful Victorian architecture.
Return trip to Dublin City.
Irish graffiti
Back in Dublin. This is the outside of our train.
It was a lovely end to a great trip. As I said before, I love being by the ocean. And the Irish Sea is no exception. I hope I get a chance someday to return to Ireland. But if I don't, I am truly grateful to the One Who allowed this to happen.
Now, just a few pictures of our everyday routine in Dublin. These are the type of buses we rode every day. It was nice being on the top, because you can see everything. The bus drivers are very good at their job--they can maneuver these giants anywhere. And believe me, the streets are not that wide.
I saw this from my seat on the top of the bus. These are bicycles throughout the city that anyone can rent. There is no person handling the rental, you just go to the stand where they are locked, put in the money, it unlocks, and away you go on the bike (or something like that). Not sure why this truck was carrying several of these. Perhaps they had been repaired, or they were being redistributed.
Home sweet home for the last two weeks. We had the first floor apartment on the left.
On the walk down our street to the bus stop.
I hope you have vicariously enjoyed my trip. I've tried to give you a little bit of an insight into this wonderful place. Tomorrow, back to the USA. Irish Blessings to all!
Your apartment looked just like home!