Friday, April 29, 2011

Hi! It's been awhile..........

Hello all! Just back from our trip to the south. I'll give you an update:

On Sunday afternoon, we visited the Guinness Storehouse. We took the entire self-guided tour, learned all about how the dark brew is made and a little history. The Storehouse is not the actual brewery, but is a building that was once used for storage. They made it into a museum and visitor center, plus gift shop, of course.
One of the many gates surrounding the Guinness Storehouse


A great deal of barley, wouldn't you say?
 Here I am in front of the water display, one of the four--yes only four--ingredients that go into the brewing of Guiness: Barley (both roasted and malted), Hops, Yeast, and Water.
And a portrait of himself Arthur Guinness, who they consider the "5th Ingredient." He signed a 9,000 year lease in 1759, and it amounted to about 45 Irish Royal pounds (a lot less than British pounds) per year. In 1759, that was a great deal of money, but the rental amount remains the same, so he got quite a deal!
Church of St. Augustine and John, highest church spire in Dublin  
Here we are in one of the restaurants having lunch. The food was fantastic! I had vegetable soup (this is pureed and really good!) with a brie cheese and apricot chutney sandwich.
 The reason for the Storehouse, and signature of Ireland. Our entrance fee included a ticket for either a lesson in drawing (pouring) a proper pint, or a free pint. We chose the later, obviously. The likelihood of EVER pouring my own is slim to none.
Herself in the Gravity Bar, top of the Storehouse

 Another view of Dublin from the Gravity Bar.

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